Task 2: 16 bit addition

5 submissions | 4/4 users solved | Full Leaderboard

Create a woodpecker script that takes 16-bit a and 16-bit b and calculates the 17-bit sum a+b.

All numbers are represented with least significant bit on the left (nearer to address 0).

<low    a    hi> | <low    b    hi> | <low  output  hi>
0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000 | 00000000000000000
1000000000000000 | 1000000000000000 | 01000000000000000
1000000000000000 | 1111000000000000 | 00001000000000000
1010001000000000 | 0010010110000000 | 10010111100000000
1111111111111111 | 1111111111111111 | 01111111111111111

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